Blog Post 25 Alicia's Birthday!!!

Blog Post 25
Alicia's Birthday!
May 10, 2018

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing, wedding, flower and outdoor

At Alicia's wedding, May 2017
Image may contain: 3 people, including Scott David Vander Ploeg and Marianne Peel Forman, people smiling, people standing and outdoor

Scott, Alicia, and Me

Gentle Reader,
 Today is my daughter Alicia's 32nd birthday!!!   She is my first born, and I have learned so much for knowing her these 32 years.  Alicia is a force in the universe, always has been since she was born with wide open eyes and a gentle, contented spirit.  As a baby, I could take her anywhere, and she was always smiling and happy.  When she was two days old, I took her to East Lansing Art Fair, in a baby pack on my belly.  She went to numerous rehearsals of Cinderella, under the direction of Kate Veihl, at East Lansing High.  She grew up to eventually participate in the musicals at East Lansing High School, having been an ardent student of Theda Assiff's Dance Studio.  As an adult, she earned a degree from both Michigan State (psychology) and then Adler School of Professional Psychology in Chicago.  She is an art therapist, and many of her jobs call on her psych background and her social work skills.  She is a natural leader as well as a person who helps others navigate a sometimes difficult world.  She is the best big sister.  Ever. 

So... happy birthday to this wise, witty, wonderful, compassionate, musical, creative human being!  She makes me proud to be her Mama, every day.  Thank you for the gift of you in my life, Alicia...

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Alicia and her husband , John.  Phenomenal partner!!!

Image may contain: 5 people, including Marianne Peel Forman and Audrey Kon, people smiling, people standing, tree, outdoor and nature

Mom and four daughters:  Alicia, Allegra, Audrey, Annelise
Image may contain: 3 people, including Marianne Peel Forman

Back in the day when we were all Raggedy Anns!!!
Image may contain: 2 people, including Marianne Peel Forman, people smiling

Here at Kara Tepe, Alicia has gone WAY out of her way to try to get two copies of Kite Runner by Hosseini delivered to the camp.  It took over three weeks, but due to Alicia's persistence and her many calls to UPS and Amazon, the books finally arrived at the security gate at Kara Tepe.  We had some difficulty getting this to happen, as UPS doesn't deliver to places with no street address.  Kara Tepe is simply listed as being on Thermis Road.  No number.  This is Alicia's Mother's Day gift to me this year....

I am now working with one of the residents at Kara Tepe, reading and discussing Kite Runner together.  Thank you, Alicia!!!!

I will end today's blog with some quotes about daughters...

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Image result for quotes about daughters

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I hope that my daughter grows up empowered and doesn't define herself by the way she looks but by qualities that make her a intelligent, strong and responsible woman.

                                                                                                               Isaiah Mustafa

I think most of us are raised with preconceived notions of the choices we're supposed to make. We waste so much time making decisions based on someone else's idea of our happiness - what will make you a good citizen or a good wife or daughter or actress. Nobody says, 'Just be happy - go be a cobbler or go live with goats.' 
                                                                        Sandra Bullock

I don't really understand that process called reincarnation but if there is such a thing I'd like to come back as my daughter's dog.  (shout out to Alicia's dog, Brooklyn!!)

                                                                          Leonard Cohen

May your day be filled with moments that you simply treasure the beloveds in your life.  May you be supportive of the dreams of your daughters and sons... whether they want to become an Art Therapist or go live among goats in really adorable pajamas leaping over hay piles!!



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