Blog Post #14 Church of St Therapon

Blog Post #14
Church of St Therapon
April 29, 2018

Gentle Reader,

Blog 13 discussed the baptism ceremony I attended at St Therapon today in Mytilene.  I suppose you can call me a Baptism Crasher...

Here are several photos of the inside of the church, which is stunningly beautiful. 

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Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting and indoor

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These chairs are richly ornate, with lovely wood carvings.  They do have cushions on them, so they are not as uncomfortable as they might look in the photo.  I have found that the furniture in the apartment as well as the furniture at Kara Tepe are not conducive to comfortable seating or relaxing.  Mostly, plastic chairs and stools are everywhere, usually without any back support.  In truth, the most comfortable seat is when I am in the taxi to Kara Tepe every morning!  These seats in the church, despite the erect posture they forced, were actually pretty comfortable!

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I found this icon to be the most beautiful.  During the course of my time in the church, which ended up being several hours, numerous people came in to bless themselves three times and then kiss the icon.  All of the folks who came in to perform this ritual were quite elderly. 

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The baptismal font...

To end today's blog post, I will share a quote Therapon often said, which is attributed to St Ambrose:

"...I have not lived in such a way that I am ashamed to live among you, and I do not fear to die, for God is gracious..."

May your day be filled with grace and fearlessness in the face of adversity...



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